Darwin's 200th birthday, to be celebrated by the GLOBAL community as a toast to the common good of all humanity. We will all want to develop events to Celebrate Darwin, Science and Humanity and come together as one human family in appreciation of verifiable knowledge that has been acquired solely through human curiosity and ingenuity. Scientific knowledge has been of great value to all of us.
Toast to the common good of all humanity?
First, like Mole333 and Dan Barker (who said, “If you want to be a good person, be a good person.), most evolutionists have seemed to have overlooked a key word- GOOD. Without a creator, there is absolutely no logical way to measure what the standard of goodness is. If God, our Creator is not the standard of goodness, and if He hasn’t provided us with a conscience to know what that standard is, good becomes a relative term. If, as evolutionary thought states, we are all products of random chance, there is no basis for the Darwinists to claim that their definition of good (whatever it is) is any better than another group of people’s definition of good, such as terrorists. What if I thought it was a good thing to steal? After all, my family and siblings could live much more comfortably, if I stole - that would be good thing for us, right? Tell me fellow byproducts of chance, how and why could you tell me that my opinion of goodness really isn’t good, but that your opinion is truly good?
On to my second point, not only is it illogical for Darwinists claim “goodness” but it is equally illogical for them to claim that Darwin’s ideas were or are good for ALL humanity. Indeed, the effects of social Darwinism can be found all around us.
What is social Darwinism? Bill Muehlenberg explains:
“‘Social Darwinism’ is a term which refers to the social and political ramifications of biological Darwinism and the materialism which it is imbedded in. Darwin regarded humans as basically higher animals, and as the social sciences became more and more tinged by the Darwinian outlook, humans increasingly began to be treated as mere animals, or machines.
… As academics, scientists and politicians apply the Darwinian view of man to various social sciences, some very negative outcomes have ensued. We have steadily become dehumanised and depersonalised as we have taken on board the logical implications of evolutionary materialism.”
Ahh…humans treated like animals or machines, steadily dehumanised and depersonalised. This kind of thinking does sound good for all humanity! However, maybe this kind of reasoning would explain why human embryos can be treated like lab rats for scientific experimentation. Or why Planned Parenthood, Doctors, and individuals can think of discarding human life through abortion and euthanasia as if it were of no value. Or why people like Hitler, desiring to expedite the evolutionary upward climb to perfection and utopia, could stomach the slaughter of millions of Jews, the weak, the old, the handicapped, the “less-favoured” races. Or why Criminals, instead of receiving justice, receive mental therapy. Yes, all this good stuff is made possible in part by, Social Darwinism…and can be found being taught, endorsed and praised at a location near you!The bottom line is this: Darwinism is the major driving force in the effort to reduce the value of human life. Hmm…maybe, this doesn’t sound so good for our race?
What is social Darwinism? Bill Muehlenberg explains:
“‘Social Darwinism’ is a term which refers to the social and political ramifications of biological Darwinism and the materialism which it is imbedded in. Darwin regarded humans as basically higher animals, and as the social sciences became more and more tinged by the Darwinian outlook, humans increasingly began to be treated as mere animals, or machines.
… As academics, scientists and politicians apply the Darwinian view of man to various social sciences, some very negative outcomes have ensued. We have steadily become dehumanised and depersonalised as we have taken on board the logical implications of evolutionary materialism.”
Ahh…humans treated like animals or machines, steadily dehumanised and depersonalised. This kind of thinking does sound good for all humanity! However, maybe this kind of reasoning would explain why human embryos can be treated like lab rats for scientific experimentation. Or why Planned Parenthood, Doctors, and individuals can think of discarding human life through abortion and euthanasia as if it were of no value. Or why people like Hitler, desiring to expedite the evolutionary upward climb to perfection and utopia, could stomach the slaughter of millions of Jews, the weak, the old, the handicapped, the “less-favoured” races. Or why Criminals, instead of receiving justice, receive mental therapy. Yes, all this good stuff is made possible in part by, Social Darwinism…and can be found being taught, endorsed and praised at a location near you!The bottom line is this: Darwinism is the major driving force in the effort to reduce the value of human life. Hmm…maybe, this doesn’t sound so good for our race?
In his closing statement during the debate, Dan Barker said that there is no need for a god. By stating this, He was implying that all we need is ourselves to be good and determine goodness. He then relayed a story about a young man who went up to an atheist after a debate and asked him something like, “What should I do to have a meaningful life?” The atheist replied, “ If you want to have meaning in life, do something meaningful.” However really think about that statement and you’ll realize that this is another area in which Darwinian evolution has trouble with. Besides having trouble with the goodness claim once again, the claim that there is an actual essence to life by the Darwinist is absurd. Think about what he is saying. He’s saying that a total random, unguided, meaningless process created life with a meaningful essence or existence! Does life have an essence? Yes, a single essence given to us by God. If this essence wasn’t given to us by God, then just as was the case in the goodness debate, the essence of life would also be relative. This by no means ends the many errors of Darwinian thought, but I just wanted to highlight some of those many issues.
I like how Dinesh D’Souza closed out his last speech. He questioned the real reason we were having the debate. He quoted Fyodor Dostoyevsky who said, “If God is not, everything is permitted.” Those who want to continue to live in the God-rejecting lifestyle they are living in, try to be free from their moral guilt, by getting rid of The Judge. But there is hope for them, and I encourage my fellow Christians to pray for those who will be celebrating Darwin Day. Pray that they would realize there IS a God, for this is the start to realizing His love for us.
Daniel Wanschura